Ashley Crisp

Children's Minister & Director of YCW

Ashley has been the Children’s Minister at Highland since April 2021. She was previously the Children’s Ministry Intern while a student at ACU from 2013-2017. Ashley engages with Highland’s youngest members and their families. She believes that everyone- children and adults alike- needs a place to belong where they can explore, experience and grow in God’s love and story. Ashley is passionate that each child knows they are loved by God and by their church community, whether they are a baby in the nursery, a preschooler in His Kids Worship or an elementary student exploring what it means to follow Jesus.

Ashley also serves as the director of Young Children’s World (Highland’s Mother’s Day Out Program) and manages our online database, Realm.

Outside of work, you are likely to find Ashley reading, listening to a podcast, or throwing the ball for her dog. She loves being an aunt to her nieces and nephew and enjoys FaceTiming them as often as her sisters will answer the phone.